About the artist

Kitty Willow Wilson, an artist working in picturesque Somerset, UK, draws inspiration from the ethereal realm of ghosts, the untamed spirit of animals and plants, and the timeless allure of Victorian aesthetics. In a delicate dance between light and darkness, whimsical and spooky, her artwork features an array of enchanting creatures from this world and beyond. Through these visual wonderlands, she invites you to embrace the beauty that lies within the shadows of the natural world.

Instagram: @kittywillowwilsons

TikTok: @kittywillowwilsons

Facebook: Kitty willow wilson illustrations

Step into kitty’s gallery and discover the mesmerisin allure of "The Watcher,"a haunting portrayal of a figure shrouded in mystery, silently observing the world.

Lose yourself in the enchanting narrative of "The Storyteller," where imagination intertwines with reality, inviting you to create your own tale.